Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a Significant Sponsor of English Literacy:

Sponsors will be acknowledged in all LVCC marketing materials and on our website.  Our students and volunteers thank you in advance for your generous donations.  Your support significantly helps improve Collier County’s English literacy!
For more information about becoming a sponsor, please call LVCC’s Executive Director, Chris Nind, at 239-262-4448, ext. 302.

Sponsor the English
Computer Learning Laboratory

$10,000 will sponsor LVCC’s computer laboratory.  The lab will have a plaque reflecting the donor’s name for one year.


Computer lab

Sponsor an LVCC
Class Room

$2,000 will sponsor a LVCC classroom. The classroom will have a plaque reflecting the donor’s name for one year.



Conference Room

Sponsor the English
Computer Learning Laboratory

$10,000 will sponsor LVCC’s computer laboratory.  The lab will have a plaque reflecting the donor’s name for one year.


Don class

Sponsor a “Children and Parent Reading Together” Class in One Head-Start Elementary School for One Year

$5,000 will provide all the books and training materials required for one CPRT class for one year in a Collier County Elementary School of your choice.


Computer lab

Sponsor a CPRT Class

$500 will cover all the materials for a class of 12 students for an eight or nine week session.


Computer lab

Sponsor a Child

$50 will sponsor a child for an semester.


Computer lab

Alphabet Project

Your support for literacy will be acknowledged in the Naples Daily News every month for supporting our adult programs.

  • $1,000 sponsor level for 12 months.
  • $500 sponsor level for 6 months.