Author Patsy Stiles Burkhart Reads for CPRT
Goodnight Naples author Patsy Stiles Burkhart was a guest reader for a CPRT class in April.
The author read her new book, Goodnight Naples, to our Children and Parents Reading Together (CPRT) class at Avalon Elementary.
She brought along the illustrator’s original artwork for each page of the book, and those pictures were explained and shown to the children as she turned the pages and read the book to the group.
Patsy graciously donated a copy of the book to every parent/child pair, and the parents followed along in their own copy as she read aloud. After that, each child’s book was personalized with a message to him or her and signed by Patsy.
It was a thrilling enrichment activity to accompany the regular weekly CPRT lesson at Avalon.
Thank you to our CPRT tutors! And a special thanks to Patsy Burkhart!